This past June we were welcomed into the parenthood role in our lives. It has been a crazy seven months. The first four months I thought were the craziest. The trips and I had a permanent stay in the NICU. I thought our day of freedom would never come. However, come the month of October and we were discharged. Hallelujah! Once we came home the first few nights were rocky. I was a nervous wreck since my husband and I were now solely responsible for three tiny humans. However, after about a week we started to get into the groove of things. That is when the babies started to show their true colors (cue Jaws music) Just kidding! Yes, we have our tough moments, but the rewards outweigh the challenges any day. It has been quite fun proving to myself and others that I can do this. I can raise three babies at once. We have a system down for feeding and changing diapers. We have every play option available, or at least that is what our family room says. We even have what we think is the perfect nursery. How could life get even a speckle more entertaining???
Oh yeah… I know how... Record your husband taking the simple route when it comes to washing baby bottles and post it on Facebook. Since we have posted the video two weeks ago, it has gone viral. But let me just “quickly” tell you how much it has exploded. My original post has more than 11 million views with over 200,000 shares. It then made our local news where a reporter got in touch with us and asked to do an interview. We thought that was great and a lot of fun. Since then it has gone even further. Has anyone ever heard of Good Morning America or the TODAY show? What about Fox News or ABC News? Well, if you haven’t, you must not watch television. "Why am I asking?" Because they also featured us on their news sites. We thought this was crazy! How could this be happening. Never did we ever think it would go to such radical levels. If you are more of the radio type and prefer to listen to your entertainment without watching, that is good, too. My husband’s bottle washing moment made it on Froggy98, KX96, B100, 103Portland and KLOVE. The extremity of this has been beyond fun and we figured it would die down. But the fun continues. If you look online for your entertainment, you should check out Motherly, Love What Matters, Working Mothers Magazine, a ton of mother groups on Facebook and even the CHIVE! To top it off, we were featured on news stations in other countries. Such as Brazil, Europe and Asia, just to list a few.
My husband is beyond giddy seeing so many people react to his video and is hoping it makes it on a talk show. I am thrilled to have the hype from others, so one day we can show our three blessings the extreme amount of joy and pride we take in raising them. Along with the silliness of their father, of course! Just remember, “Smarter not harder, bro!”
If you would like to continue to follow us on our journey of parenthood, you can do so on the following social platforms. We would love to follow your adventures, too!
Smarter not harder bro! 😃❤️👍